Official voice of
University of Calgary
graduate students

Important Updates
Message from the President
Tanille, our GSA President, has news to share with #UCalgaryGradStudents about the discounted ticket book program to subsidize the cost of transit. Read her Message from the President for details & alternative solution.
Volunteer with the GSA!
If you are looking for opportunities to get involved and give back, this is your chance. The GSA is recruiting for members for most of our Committees and Subcommittees. Find the details of these committees and their recruitment process on the GSA Current Volunteer Opportunities page. Deadline to apply is 11:59 pm, August 4.
GSA Quality Money now open
The GSA Quality Money (QM) is now accepting applications. Deadline for this intake is August 15. Hosting an online conference, workshop series, or event due to in-person attendance restrictions? These projects may qualify as well. Please email if you have questions. Learn more HERE.
Thesis Talk Thursday launched July 30, 2023
Read exciting research stories from your fellow #UCalgaryGradStudents here:
For most updated information from the GSA:
Follow our social media channels @gsacalgary:

Mental Health Support: Empower Me program by StudentCare
国外进口梯子那个牌子的质量最好呢?_百度知道:2021-10-15 · 梯具 来 2113 讲,国内国外差距不大,都是 5261 中国制造 的,目前中国国 4102 内的梯 具质 量基本上 1653 和国外一致,没有很大的差距,比如珠海恒邦的梯子,从设计到加工都是选用组好的材料。 最先进的安全理念,他伊的梯具和国外产品比没有 ...
那些没有被墙的国外网站:英美新闻报刊篇_CSDN_NM$L的 ...:2021-8-21 · 一直觉得大家对于是否被“墙”这回事看得挺重的,这个重一是表现在到处找梯子,二是总抱怨好网站都登不上去。Coolz酷·站将陆续为大家分享一些很好的没有被墙的国外网站,欢迎关注“那些没有被墙的国外网站”标签。第一辑伍“英美新闻报刊”类网站为主要内容。

Volunteer with the GSA
The GSA offers many opportunities to volunteer. Expand your resume and become involved in the graduate student community.
View current volunteer opportunities here: Current Volunteer Opportunities
The 2023-2021 GSA Board of Directors

Vice President
Finance & Service
Kabita Baral
Vice President
Christine Cao
Tanille Shandro
Vice President
Student Life
Mary Zhang
Vice President
Alex Paquette